Offered Programs

Pre-School Level
- Nursery (3-4 years old)
- Kindergarten (5-6 years old)
Elementary Level
- Grade 1 - 6
Junior High School
- Grade 7 - 10

Senior High School
- Catergory A - All Grade 10 completers in public school
- Catergory B - All Grade 10 completers in SUCs and PUCs
- Catergory C - All Grade 10 completers in private school (ESC Grantees)
- Academic Track
- ABM (Accountancy Business and Management)
- GAS (General Academic Strand)
- HUMSS (Humanities and Social Studies)
- Tech-Voc Track
- FBS (Food and Beverage Servicing - NC II)
- CSS (Computer Systems Servicing - NC II)
- EPAS (Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing - NC II)
- EIM (Electrical Installation and Maintenance - NC II)
- ATS (Automotive - NC II)
- SMAW (Shielded Metal Arck Welding - NC II)

4-Year Courses
- BSCrim - Bachelor of Science in Criminology (New)
- BEED - Bachelor in Elementary Education
- BSHM - Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
- BSTM - Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
BSBA - Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Major in:
- Marketing Management
- Operation Management
- BSIS - Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
BTVTED - Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teached Education
- Major in:
- (FSM) Food Service Management
- (ELT) Electrical Technology
- (ECT) Electronic Technology
- (CHS) Computer Hardware Servicing
- (WFT) Welding and Fabrication Technology

TESDA Programs NC-II
- Automotive Servicing (ATS)
- WTR No. 20181602ALTATS213061
- ATS - 676 Hours
- Computer Systems Servicing (CSS)
- WTR No. 201533012056
- CSS - 280 Hours
- Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing (EPAS)
- WTR No. 201633012016
- EPAS - 260 Hours
- Food and Beverage Servicing (FBS)
- WTR No. 201533012074
- FBS - 356 Hours
Assessment Centers NC-II
- Cookery
- Housekeeping
- Bread and Pastry Production
- Food and Beverage Servicing
- Computer Systems Servicing
- Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing
- Electrical Installation and Maintenance
- Automotive Servicing
- Heavy Equipment Operations (Bulldozer)
- Heavy Equipment Operations (Motor Grader)
- Heavy Equipment Operations (Transit Mixer)
- Heavy Equipment Operations (Road Roller)
Diploma Courses
- Soon...
Enrollment Process for New Students and Transferees
- Fill-out the Online Admission Form
- Please visit PECIT Campus and look for Ms. Freleen. PECIT is open from Monday - Friday at 8:00AM - 5:00PM and Saturday at 8:00AM - 12:00NN
- Make sure to bring the requirements for admission.
- Check the list of requirements below.
- Proceed to payment once PROFILING and ADMISSION has been completed.
- Enrollment Fee:
- College: Php1,000.00
- College: (Summer) Php500.00
- Senior High: Php707.50
- Pre-School: Php875.00
- Elementary: Php955.00
- Junior High: Php225.00
- Those who will pay thru Palawan Express, use your Verification Code as your ID Number.
- Email proof of payment to [email protected]
- Verification of your payment may take up to 3 business days.
- Check our accredited payment centers
- Once you are officially enrolled, you will be provided with login accounts by Ms. Freleen of the following sites:
- student.pecit.edu.ph
- lms.pecit.online
Enrollment Process for Continuing Students
Login to your account and then Click Enroll Now. Click here to Login.
Basic Education
- Birth Certificate (PSA)
- Hi-Resolution 5MP Photo (Formal attire white background)
High School
- Birth Certificate (PSA)
- Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Certificate of Parents Employment or Non-Employment for Non-ESC private school completers.
- Certificate of Completion
- Hi-Resolution 5MP Photo (Formal attire white background)
- Junior High
- Grade 6 Report Card
- Senior High
- Grade 10 Report Card
College and Tesda Programs
- Birth Certificate (PSA)
- Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Hi-Resolution 5MP Photo (Formal attire white background)
- New Student
- Senior High Report Card
- Diploma
- Transferee
- Transcript of Record (TOR)
- Certificate of Grades for the last semester attended.
- Certificate of Honorable Dismissal.
- Returnee
- Certificate of Grades for the last semester attended.
Accredited Payment Centers
- 0977 407 1042
- Specify the PURPOSE OF PAYMENT and NAME OF STUDENT in the MESSAGE of transaction e.g. Juan Cruz / Enrollment Fee, Tuition Fee, Misc. Fee, etc.
Palawan Express
- Pera Padala
- VNA Phil. Electronics & Comm. Institute of Tech., Inc. (PECIT)
- Specify the PURPOSE OF PAYMENT e.g. Enrollment Fee, Tuition Fee, Misc. Fee, etc.
Local Bank Deposit
Bank | Account No. |
College Students - | |
Metrobank | 1423-0389-9215-5 |
Basic Education - | |
Chinabank | 1891611717 |
Send Proof of Payment
Continuing Students
New Student and Transferee
Email to [email protected]